If you didn’t join the 728.3 million households that improved their houses last year, it’s time to renovate your space now. Keeping your home in good shape is essential for boosting mental health and retaining property value.
Painting your home is one of the most important aspects of renovation, but there are several DIY painting mistakes that you need to avoid. Here, we’re going to talk about some of these mistakes and how you can (or can’t) avoid them. Read on to learn why getting professional assistance is probably the right choice.
Choosing the Wrong Color for DIY Painting
When you first begin painting your home, you need to choose the right color to best fit your space. While it’s tempting to go to the store, select a paint chip, and immediately get started, you’re going to be in for a surprise when you actually begin painting. No hue looks just as it did on the paint chip when it’s on your wall- it’s going to alter with natural or artificial light.
The color is also going to look slightly different at night than it is during the day. Make sure that you ask the store where you selected the paint chip for a small sample of the paint. You can then take it home, paint a piece of wood, and see how it holds up in your home lighting.
Unfortunately, it can still be difficult to identify how you want to modify the exact color of your paint once you view it in your home. You may need to go back and get more paint samples before finding the perfect hue. This is a long and annoying process, but professionals can help to make it shorter and simpler.
All you need to do is ask someone with experience what similar hues will look best in your specific room. They can give you pointers about whether you need to add warmth or select a cooler color. They also may tell you which hues will look best with your design scheme so that you can make a more informed decision.
Neglecting to Clean Your Walls
Whether you’re painting indoors or you’re revamping your home exterior, your walls aren’t going to be completely clean right off the bat. Hair and dust particles stick easily to walls. If you have children or pets, you probably have a lot of dirt and grime that will be difficult to get off.
If you want to DIY home painting, you would need to get a small vacuum and painstakingly run it across the walls. You then would need to create a water/vinegar mixture and hit every spot on the wall. This is especially challenging when you get to the corners and edges.
Hiring a professional painting company ensures that you get this done with complete accuracy. After all, if you miss a spot, you’re going to wind up with uneven paint. It also saves you many hours worth of labor that could be spent on other renovations.
Not Preparing Your Space
Any interior room that you’re painting probably has a lot of expensive furniture and surfaces in it. You don’t want to drip paint or splatter onto these surfaces. Cleanup would be challenging and you may need to replace these expensive items if destroyed.
You need to cover all floors, countertops, and furniture with plastic tarps or drop cloths. Doorknobs and handles need to be wrapped up in plastic and secured soundly with strong tape. You also would need to cover outlets because paint can easily ruin them (or, worse, pose a safety risk).
Painting preparation is a challenge that you shouldn’t take lightly. Professionals know exactly how to keep your furniture and floors safe. You won’t need to worry about lifting heavy objects or covering them improperly- experts will have your back.
Using the Wrong Brush
There are a plethora of different brushes out there that you can choose from. You’re going to need to figure out which is best for the specific type of paint that you have. For example, latex paint requires nylon or polyester bristles. Oil-based paints need natural bristles to get the job done.
You also will need to make sure that you choose a high-quality brush. Even if you do your online research and learn the type of bristles that you need, it may be hard to find something of the appropriate caliber. These brushes can also be expensive, and you’ll likely need to invest in multiple sizes for different areas of your wall.
Choosing the wrong brush can give you an uneven paint job. It also can decrease the quality of your coat overall. Professionals know exactly how to choose the right brushes (and paint rollers) to get your job done error-free.
They also already have access to dozens of different brush types. You won’t need to pay for anything extra.
Overbrushing and Uneven Coats
Speaking of uneven paint jobs and low-quality coats, even those who choose the right brush are prone to uneven painting. Every area of the room needs to be even or you’ll wind up with a really patchy look. It’s almost impossible for amateurs to perfect the long brushstrokes and even movements that home painting requires.
Professionals are trained in how to handle painting tools and create the best possible strokes for each room. You won’t need to worry about uneven coats because they’re experienced in making paint jobs look great.
Call In the Pros Today
DIY painting may sound like a good idea at first brush (pun fully intended). Unfortunately, it’s actually a difficult challenge that you’ll struggle with if you don’t have expert tools and knowledge. That’s why calling in professional painters is key to remodeling success.
Now that you know some of the painting mistakes that the pros can help you avoid, it’s time to get started. Contact SurePro’s home painting experts to learn more about how we can help you make your space look amazing.
The post Top DIY Home Painting Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on SurePRO Painting.